Après un gros power up dans le dernier catalogue, notre héros rouge va une nouvelle fois évoluer.
Grâce à la Ryusoul Calibur et à sa Red Ryusoul métallique, RyusoulRed arborera une armure plus légère ainsi qu’une cape bleu marine.
After a big power up in the last catalogue, our red hero will once again evolve.
Thanks to the Ryusoul Calibur and its metallic Red Ryusoul, RyusoulRed will wear a lighter armour as well as a navy cape.
Catalog 4 was « the last catalog » when you guys shared it… now there’s a 5th catolog?
That’s really odd, and also disappointing because of just another red powerup… unless this is tied to a movie, not the series.
I hope the first Reiwa series stops the red only power ups. Haven’t had a decent team one in some time, I think.